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Content warning: flashing visuals, eyestrain, capitalism, colonialism, ableism.@@//
<<timed 5s>>@@.fade;//你目前在黑耀公司地下城 9002 號,是你被指定做遊蕩怪獸的工作地。
You arrive at Blackbright Company Dungeon 9002, where you have been assigned to work as a wandering monster.//@@
<<next 6s>>@@.fade;//柵欄門入口上的木牌吩咐你選擇自己的職業:
The wooden sign on the entrance gate instructs you to CHOOSE YOUR CLASS://@@
<<next 2s>><<type 30ms>>1. [[戰士 FIGHTER|開始 BEGIN]]
2. [[法師 MAGE|開始 BEGIN]]
3. [[盜賊 THIEF|開始 BEGIN]]<</type>>
<<next 3s>><<type 50ms>>[[(拒絕 REFUSE)|出口 EXIT]]<</type>>
Press spacebar to skip typing.@@///* TEST ZONE DELETE EVERYTHING BELOW BEFORE EXPORTING */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */歸真之旅
<<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>你回頭看看擁有的逃路。 You turn around and consider your options for escape.<</type>>
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;[[NS 3415 (指南 DIRECTORY)|]]
[[NS 3416 (假想園 REFUSEMENT PARK)|]]
[[NS 910 (吞光鐵 THE SPARKEATER)|]]
@@<</timed>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>你拾起該職業的魔法提燈,進入地下城開始尋找冒險家。
You hoist up the magic lantern for your class, and enter the dungeon in search of adventurers.<</type>>
<<next 5s>><<type 30ms>>身為黑耀的獨立承攬人,你的工作就是帶領冒險家通過地下城之中的農資源路線,以他們的安全通道來換取自己的[[存活。|存活 survival]]
As an independent contractor for Blackbright, your job is to guide adventurers through routes in the dungeon for farming resources, giving them safe passage in exchange for your own [[survival.|存活 survival]]<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>你必須在固定時間內達到一定的路線數才能得到生存的資格。
You must hit a certain number of routes within a certain amount of time in order to qualify for survival.<</type>>
<<timed 5s>><<linkreplace "@@.fade;不然的話… Otherwise...@@">><<type 30ms>>不然的話,你就會失去遊蕩權,變回普通的怪獸給冒險家農[[經驗。|經驗 experience]]
Otherwise, you will lose the right to wander, reverting back to a normal monster farmed by adventurers for [[experience.|經驗 experience]]<</type>><</linkreplace>><</timed>>
<<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>仍然還可以繼續遊蕩時,魔法提燈會保護你免受冒險家的越權攻擊,但同時也阻止你對他們的反擊。
While you still are able to wander, the magic lantern protects you from unauthorized attack from adventurers, but also prevents you from making counterattacks against them.<</type>>
<<next 5s>><<type 30ms>>幸好,你的冒險家給你的評分跟評論都很好。只要你在固定時期之內達到一定的評分數,你就不會遭受到被授權的攻擊。你就不會失去公司的保護。[[你就只是需要繼續好好地工作。|工作 WORK]]
Fortunately, your adventurers have all given you good ratings and reviews. As long as you hit a certain rating number within a certain period of time, you won't be subjected to an authorized attack. You won't lose the protection of the company. [[YOU JUST HAVE TO KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.|工作 WORK]]<</type>>
<</timed>><<type 30ms>>難道這樣真的是有那麼困難嗎?
Now, is this really that difficult?<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>難道你不知道公司願意雇用你這隻怪獸、願意讓你享有特權機會求生,是已經很難得的事嗎?
Don't you know that it's already rare enough for the company to be willing to hire a monster like you, to be willing to let you enjoy the privileged opportunity to survive?<</type>>
<<linkreplace "<<type 30ms>>不當好工人就是不想活啊! If you don't be a good worker, you just don't want to live!<</type>>">>(提燈震動:收到新帶領預約)
(The lantern vibrates: new guide request)
<<timed 1s>><<type 30ms>>難道你不想活嗎?
And don't you want to live?<</type>>
<<next 2s>>[[(想 YES)|答 Answer]]
[[(不想 NO)|答 Answer]]<</timed>><</linkreplace>><div class="leftcolumn"><h1>(想 YES)</h1></div><div class="rightcolumn"><h1>(不想 NO)</h1></div><div class="leftcolumn"><<type 30ms>>你接受帶領的預約,前往冒險家的方向。
You accept the guide request, heading towards the direction of the adventurer.<</type>></div><div class="rightcolumn"><<type 30ms>>你接受被剝削的預約,前往向你剝削提供資金的人的方向。
You accept the request to be exploited, heading towards the direction of the person financing your exploitation.<</type>></div><div class="leftcolumn"><<type 30ms>>你按照手續完成路線,重複這過程重複到達到理想的路線數。
You complete the route according to procedure, repeating this process until you reach your desired number of routes.<</type>></div>
<div class="rightcolumn"><<type 30ms>>你按照你剝削者利用生命威脅強迫你接受的手續完成殖民地化這社區的路線,重複這過程重複到達到在這暴力系統中生存必要的路線數。
You complete the route that is colonizing this community according to procedures your exploiters forced you to accept under threat to your life, repeating this process until you reach the number of routes necessary for survival in this violent system.<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>你不想要這樣地「活」下去。不想這樣拼命地逃離死亡。
You don't want to "live" like this. Don't want this desperate escape from death.<</type>></div>
<div style="margin:0 20%"><p align="center"><<type 30ms>>[[最後你帶著提燈回到柵欄門,準備回家。|回家 return home]]
[[In the end you bring your lantern back to the gate, in preparation to return home.|回家 return home]]<</type>></p></div>
<<type 30ms>>你把提燈放回去。你望著柵欄門上的[[木牌。|木牌 sign]]
You replace the lantern. You look back at the [[wooden sign|木牌 sign]] on the gate.
<</type>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>你舉起小刀,把牌子上能選的三職業劃掉,再補刻:無產階級。刻完才離開。
Your raise your dagger, crossing out the three classes you can choose from the sign, and carve out: PROLETARIAT. And then you leave.<</type>>
<<next 6s>><p align="right">@@.fade;結局 THE END@@</p><</timed>>